Which playmat to choose for your baby?

Written by Adelyne

Babies are attached to the world around them through the senses. During the first phases of growth, the exploration is sensory.

To encourage this exploration, the purchase of a baby mat proves to be an excellent idea. With a playmat, babies can enjoy integrating sounds, textures and colors.

Moreover, they are available with several soft and colorful accessories for help baby learn.

Discover in this article the different models of playmats that can be adapted to your baby.

The mat for a baby girl

A mat for a baby girl allows small to grow up while having fun. It is the best way to help baby girls discover their environment through the textures, colors and melodies of the games.

Several models of mat for baby girls are available, you will find :

  • Chicco's Color Gym playmat;
  • the awakening carpet with arch of Nattou ;
  • the Lily Poudrée mat by Sauthon.

No matter which model you choose for your baby girl, the most important thing is is that it must adapt to its shape and needs.

The water mat

We can help a baby to dive into the aquatic world thanks to a water mat. This is a baby mat model that is dry on the outside, but wet on the inside. The baby can then discover the underwater world depending on the model of the aquatic mat. He will have the opportunity to observe all the marine elements that swim in the water and can even touch them with small hand gestures.

You can see that a water mat for baby is a great way to boost a baby's discovery and exploration.

The jungle playmat

A jungle playmat is an excellent tool for stimulate a baby's sensesand that, from its first months. You can intervene in the development and the good growth of your small if you choose a carpet of awakening jungle having a colorful, rich and musical universe.

In addition to these advantages, this type of baby accessory is also beneficial for parents; it makes their daily life easier. However, it is necessary to choose a Jungle Playmat that fits your baby so that he can move and lie down comfortably.

The giant play mat XXL

The major advantage ofan XXL giant play mat is its width. By opting for this type of carpet, you will contribute to the muscle strengthening and movement of your baby. The structure of a giant XXL carpet can perfectly stimulate your baby's senses. By lying on his belly and trying to discover the games and sounds, his curiosity will be developed.

Moreover, you can find it with a variety of bright colors to offer a wide shade of view to your little one. The XXL giant playmat is the best way to develop motor skills of your baby.

The evolutionary mat

A baby can grow up quickly. To accompany this development with a playmat, you can opt for the evolutionary model. At each stage of your baby's growth, the evolutionary mat can be reconfigured.

It allows the modulation of several parts to adapt to the development and evolution of a baby. It is the best baby accessory that can accompany the postures and movements of your baby, such as:

  • the prone position;
  • the position on the back, etc.

The musical awakening carpet

You can opt for a musical awakening mat for strengthen your child's development. It is a model of carpet of awakening which is made up of musical jousts and sensory elements which allow to effectively boost the exploration of a small.

With the following musical mats, your baby will be able to discover another universe:

  • the Fisher Price softness ;
  • the Fisher Price musical Jungle;
  • the Disney Baby Mr.Ray Ocean, etc.

However, it is necessary to verify some criteria before making your choice, for example, it is necessary to be demanding in terms of safety and comfortaesthetics and price come next.

The folding play mat

A foldable play mat is a true entertainment tool. Being of great importance, the foldable play mat can be used as a happiness of parents and children.

In addition to learning and entertainment, it is a practical playmat model and can be stored easily.

By choosing a foldable playmat, you contribute to the development and motor skills This mat will help your baby to walk and crawl safely.

In addition, you can find models of folding playmats with a fabric soft and easy to clean.

At what age should you introduce the playmat?

Most parents want to know From what age can baby be put on a playmat. You should know that it is possible to install a little one on a mat from its first months.

To ensure his safety, you should lay him on his back. The baby will start to look around and move a little, this will allow to his senses to be awake. By touching the mat with his fingers, his discovery and exploration will be stimulated. Thus, it is possible to transform the mat of his baby into a playground from its first months.

The mat for a baby boy

A playmat for a baby boy is a great way to help your little one to grow and develop well. Rings, mirrors, rattles, these accessories added to the carpet can stimulate his senses.

In addition, boy's play mats are available in a variety of colors and sizes to meet all needs. However, whichever model you choose, it must be comfortable and secure.

If you want to develop your little boy's cognitive and motor skills, nothing beats a playmat. It will help him to grow while having fun.

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