Opinion about the book L'encyclopédie des cancres, des rebelles et autres génies by Serge Bloch

Written by Adelyne

The book The encyclopedia of dunces, rebels and other geniuses by Serge Bloch is a book that presents a collection of true stories of people who have succeeded in achieving their dreams despite obstacles and adversity. These stories show that anyone can succeed, even those who have been considered dunces or rebels.


The book L'encyclopédie des cancres, des rebelles et autres génies by Serge Bloch is an excellent read. It is an informative book that talks about the different types of dunces and rebels. It also provides examples of geniuses who have managed to accomplish great things despite their difficulties. This book is fun and informative, and I highly recommend it to anyone interested in this topic.


The book L'encyclopédie des cancres, des rebelles et autres génies by Serge Bloch is a book that deals with the subject of dunces and rebels. It is written in a fun and informative way, and it is very well illustrated. The illustrations are funny and cute, and they help explain the concepts presented in the book. Parents and teachers can read this book to learn more about dunces and rebels, and how to help them succeed.

The book L'encyclopédie des cancres, des rebelles et autres génies by Serge Bloch is an amusing and instructive book. It is full of anecdotes and interesting details about famous dunces. The illustrations are also excellent. I recommend this book to anyone who likes to learn new things and to anyone who likes funny stories.

Why do some people with ADHD have successful careers and others do not?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that can have a significant impact on a person's life. People with ADHD can have difficulty focusing and staying calm, which can make them more likely to make mistakes or not finish what they start. Despite these challenges, some people with ADHD manage to have a stellar career. These people often have very bright minds and are able to think creatively. They may also be highly motivated and work hard to achieve their goals. There is no particular reason why some people with ADHD are successful and others are not. There are many factors that can influence the success of a person with ADHD and they vary from person to person. Some find that they are more successful when they have good support and access to services, while others manage to succeed despite the difficulties they face.

ADHD and Career Success

Some ADHDers have dazzling careers and some don't. ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulty maintaining attention, impulsivity and/or hyperactivity. People with ADHD often have difficulty succeeding in the workplace. However, some manage to overcome their difficulties and succeed in their careers. ADHD can be a professional handicap, but some people still manage to have a successful career.

ADHD can be a professional liability, but some people still manage to have a successful career. ADHDers often have trouble concentrating and staying motivated. They may have trouble following rules and instructions. These difficulties can prevent them from succeeding in their professional lives. However, some people with ADHD are able to overcome these difficulties and succeed in their careers.

ADHD and career: why do some succeed and others not?

Some ADHDers have successful careers and others do not because they have difficulty focusing and managing stress. ADHDers often have difficulty managing their time and planning their activities. They may have trouble finishing what they start and often have difficulty communicating with others. Some ADHDers are very creative and have a lot of energy, which allows them to succeed in the areas they are involved in. Others have difficulty managing their impulsivity and hyperactivity, which can be a handicap in the workplace.

ADHDers often have difficulty managing their time and planning their activities. They may have trouble finishing what they start and often have difficulty communicating with others. Some ADHDers are very creative and have a lot of energy, which allows them to succeed in the areas they are involved in. Others have difficulty managing their impulsivity and hyperactivity, which can be a handicap in the workplace.

ADHD: a dazzling career or not?

There are several reasons why some ADHDers have a stellar career and others do not. First, ADHDers are often very smart and talented. Second, they often have a strong personality and willpower. Finally, they often have excellent organizational skills. These qualities allow them to succeed in the areas that interest them.

For example, ADHDers often have stellar careers in science, technology, engineering or medicine. They are often able to solve complex problems and come up with innovative solutions. Many ADHDs also have successful careers in art, design, fashion or music. They are often able to create unique and high quality works of art.

There is no single answer to this question. Some people with ADHD may have successful careers because of their ability to focus and stay organized. Others may not be as successful because they may have difficulty paying attention or keeping track of details.

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